Guidelines for authors


SAAC welcomes articles and shorter notes in defined fields of Ancient archaeology:

  • Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
  • Archaeology, art and civilization of ancient Egypt and Middle East
  • Archaeology, art and civilization of Greece and its colonies (especially the Black Sea region), Cyprus, Italy and Rome
  • Non-Mediterranean ancient civilizations
  • History of antiquities collecting and history of archaeological research
  • Reception of ancient civilizations in modern Europe


SAAC accepts papers written in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. In exceptional cases, articles presenting outstanding research but written in Polish will be accepted since Editorial Board offers translations into English (out of charge). The journal does not charge any fees for the paper submission, its processing and publishing. Moreover, papers written in English by non-native speakers will be provided with professional proofreading service without any charges as well. However, authors are requested to pay all the fees for the illustration material they want to publish to the institutions holding copyrights. For more on this issue, see section ‘Figures’ below.

Texts should be sent to the attention of the Editors at the address:

Postal address:

Dr. Kamil Kopij
Secretary of SAAC

Jagiellonian University
Institute of Archaeology
ul. Gołębia 11
31-007 Kraków, Poland

E-mail address:

Articles that do not meet formal requirements as listed in this instruction will be returned to the authors for reformatting.

All authors must significantly contribute to the research and they are obliged to participate in peer review process providing retractions or corrections of mistakes. They must provide list of references and indicate financial support for the research if applicable. It is forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal, thus, the Editorial Board will accept only original research. Furthermore, the submitted work should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and its submission has been approved by all the authors and by the institution where the work has been carried out. Articles and notes published in SAAC present opinions of the author(s) and thereby should not be construed as reflecting opinions of the Editorial Board and the Publisher.

Review procedure is described in detail here in Polish and English.

Review and publishing schedule:

Articles can be submitted to the SAAC throughout the whole year, but the deadline for submitting works to the next volume of a given year passes on January 31 of the year in which it appears. Pre-approved articles are sent to reviewers who have two months to evaluate the text; in case of failure to meet this deadline, the Editorial Board appoints a new reviewer. In case of conditional acceptance of the article for printing, the authors must adapt to the comments of the reviewer within the deadline specified by the editors (depending on the number of corrections, but not longer than a month). Authors who do not meet this deadline can submit the corrected text to the next issue. Once the review process is completed, assigned editor typesets the article and adjusts it to the journal’s layout making all the necessary corrections. At this point, articles written by non-native English speakers are proofread by the language editor as well.  This part of the publication process usually takes up to two months. Then, the paper is sent to the author with first proofs and he/she is allowed to make his own corrections and amendments. Next the editor goes through the second reading and sends the article once again for author’s approval (at this stage only minor corrections are possible). The completed work is ultimately sent to the publisher who is obliged to release the new volume of SAAC by January 31 of the next year the current issue has been prepared.

Regarding publication ethics and malpractice statement follow this link.

Authors of articles published in SAAC receive PDF offprint and a copy of the appropriate issue of the journal.


Size and formatting

  • MS Word file, saved as .docx or .doc
  • Maximum of 40.000 characters (= one publishing sheet) with spaces, abstract and references included
  • Fonts accepted: Times New Roman (also for languages written in scripts other than Latin; for extended Greek, Coptic, Egyptian transliteration: New Athena Unicode – the font is free and can be downloaded from website

  • Title information:
    • Authors' names (font size 12), affiliation: city (font size 10)
    • Main title in capital letters (font size 12), normal (not bold)
    • Subtitle, if required, in capital letters (font size 10), normal
  • Abstract and key words: font size 12, italic, line spacing 1.5
  • Main text: font size 12; line spacing 1.5
  • Footnotes: font size 10; single line spacing
  • References, list of figures: font size 12; single line spacing
  • Section headers and subheaders
    • Level 1: font size 12, bold
    • Level 2: font size 12, italic
    • Level 2: font size 12, normal
  • Left justification, standard margins
  • Page numbering below, on right


Please do not pre-format texts: do not use additional spacing, indentations, underlining and other decoration, etc.). Texts should only be divided into paragraphs beginning with a new line; sections and internal headings are allowed as described above.

Paper layout

  • Title according to formatting (not to exceed 90 characters)
  • Abstract (no more than 200 words); if the paper is written in a language other  than English, the abstract should be written in English
  • Key words in English, separated with semicolons (;)
  • Main text
  • References
  • At the end on the left: authors' name, full affiliation (institution, in case of doctoral students/candidates – c/o institution), e-mail (just the address, without ‘e-mail')
  • List of figures



Jan Kowalski



Abstract: Italic

Keywords: Roman Empire, Visual propaganda, Roman Coinage, Roman Religion

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Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text

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Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text

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Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text

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Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text Main text





Jan Kowalski

c/o Institute of Archaeology

Jagiellonian University


List of Figures



  • In texts in English
    • Normal font: BC, AD; e.g., i.e., cf., etc.
    • Italic: et al., c.
  • In texts in other languages conform to the norm of that language
  • No spacing between numbers and measure units (98m, 75cm); no full stop after the units
  • Dimensions: 6.2m x 3.4m (x between spaces)
  • Abbreviations ending with the same character as the words, without full stop (e.g. editor = ed. but editors = eds), other abbreviations with full stop (number = no.)


  • Numbers from 1 to 10 should be written as words
  • Numbers above 10 should be written in digits
  • In case of numbers consisting of more than four digits please use a comma (e.g. 10,000 but 5000)
  • Serial numbers should be written without superscript (1st, 4th)


  • Centuries: 5th century BC, 2nd century AD
  • Years: 490 BC, AD 499
  • Approximate dates: c. 733 BC, c. 534 AD
  • Years from... to...: 345-378 BC, 1978-1982
  • Decades: 1960s

Italicized text

  • Words or fragments of texts in foreign languages, as well as transliterations should be italicized (please note that punctuation marks outside such insertions should not be italicized).

Quotation marks

  • Single inverted commas (‘quotation'): quotations or words in metaphorical meaning
  • Double inverted commas ("quotation"): for quotations within quotations



Referencing ancient authors (in-text and footnotes)

  • References should be placed in the text according to the referencing system.
  • If a reference cites both ancient and modern authors, the ancient authors should be cited first.
  • Names of authors and titles of works should be abbreviated according to The Oxford Classical Dictionary.
  • Numbers of books, chapters, sentences and verses should be written in Arabic numbers, without space.


The statue of Pompey that was placed there was then transferred to the theatre (Plin. NH 35.35.59; Cic. Div. 2.9.23; Livy Per. 116; Plut. Vit. Brut. 14.2; App. BCiv. 2.16.117; Plut. Vit. Caes. 66.1-2, 66.6-7; Sauron 1987, 458, 460; Sauron 1992, 318-319, 371, 384; Gagliardo and Packer 2006, 95).

  • Ancient texts should not be included in the References.
  • If a fragment of text is quoted in the paper (in original or translated) bibliographic data should be given in a footnote.


M. Tullius Cicero, On Pompey's Command, 47In The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, trans. Ch. D. Yonge. London 1856.


Referencing online sources (footnotes and end notes)

  • Articles published in online journals follow the same guidelines as printed articles both for in-text notes and end-of text referencing (see below), only the web source should be added, after ‘Retrieved from'.
  • In case of referencing other online sources please give bibliographic information in a footnote, including web source  after ‘Retrieved from' and status date in parenthesis.


Encyclopaedia Britannica. S.v. Arsinoe II. Retrieved from (status as of Feb. 20th, 2012).


References and notes in text

Please refer to modern authorities according to the Harvard system

  • In-text reference style: (Bloggs 1966, 31).
  • Multiple citations should be separated by semi-colon, in such cases references should be arranged according to dates of publication (oldest first), not alphabetically; e.g. (Lutsenko 1870, 54; Chernenko 1970, 198; Vickers 2002, 7-8).
  • When an author has several publications from the same year, distinguish them as a, b, etc., e.g. (Ciałowicz 1998a, 1998b).
  • If a publication has two authors/editors, their names should be separated by ‘and'; if there are more than two authors/editors, only the first surname followed by et al. appears in the in-text citation, while in the References all names should be listed.
  • A publication in print is cited as forthcoming, with a comma (Jones, forthcoming).


This problem will be discussed in other place (see Papuci-Władyka, forthcoming).

  • In case of referencing figures, tables or plates keep the publication's original version (Tab. 1, 2; Fig. 8: 4, il. 207, 7; Pl. CXII, 14; Abb. 25).


(Onaiko and Dmitriev 1982, 109; Finkielsztejn 2001, 196, Tab. 22.1; Hodgson 2002a; Hodgson 2002b; Papuci-Władyka et al. 2006, Fig. 15: 2)

  • If the name of the author cited appears in the sentence, the year and pages of the publication should be put in brackets following the name.


French Egyptologist Victor Loret (1903, 1ff) strived to prove that the falcon of Horus was to be identified with the Peregrine Falcon.

  • If you wish to include more information, this should appear as a footnote numbered sequentially in Arabic superscript numerals. Avoid using footnotes where possible and keep footnote material to a minimum. Do not use endnotes.


References at the end of the paper

  • Formatting
    • Bold: name and initials of the author, year of publication and full stop.
    • Italic: Titles of journals, series, monographs and other books (conference proceedings, edited books etc.)
    • Normal font: titles of articles and chapters in conference proceedings, edited books, etc.
  • Words in English titles should begin with capital letters only in case of monographs and other books; titles of articles should employ lower case, except for proper names.
  • Abbreviations of titles of journals and series should conform with the system used by American Journal of Archaeology and Lexikon der Ägyptologie.
  • Starting with issue 15 (2011) the following abbreviations are also in use
    • PAM – Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
    • RechACrac SN – Recherches Archéologiques. Serie Nouvelle
    • SAAC – Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization
  • All other titles should be cited in full.
  • Publication place should be given in its English version, in Latin characters (also in case of publications in scripts other than Latin); in case of American cities the state abbreviation should be given, if its omitting could cause ambiguity (e.g. Cambridge MA as opposed to Cambridge in the UK).
  • Issues and volumes of journals and series should be in Arabic numbers, normal font. Volume number is placed after / (e.g. REA 105/2).
  • If we reference more than one paper from the same book or conference proceedings, this book should be referenced in full separately, and its bibliographical address should be abbreviated in particular references.
  • Authors of the papers are kindly requested to indicate DOI references to the publications possessing them.


Finogenova S. I. 2003. Hermonassa. In D. V. Grammenos and E. K. Petropoulos (eds) 1/2, 1007-1044.

Grammenos D. V. and Petropoulos E. K. (eds) 2003. Ancient Greek Colonies in the Black Sea 1/1-2. Thessaloniki.

Tolstikov V. P. 2003. Panticapaeum. In D. V. Grammenos and E. K. Petropoulos (eds) 1/2, 707-756, Fig. 13: 4-6.

  • If translated publications are referenced, place the name of translator after the title, after ‘trans.'


Examples of formatted references

Articles in journals

  • Please note that a full stop comes after the title. Then journal title in Italic and number following it directly, without comma (normal font).

Cruise G. M. 1990. Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63, 299-313.

Articles in conference proceedings and edited books

Machowski W. 2001. Kurhany na nekropoli Pantikapajonu. In E. Papuci-Władyka and J. Śliwa (eds), Studia Archaeologica. Prace dedykowane Profesorowi Januszowi A. Ostrowskiemu w sześćdziesięciolecie urodzin, 277-286. Krakow.

Finkielsztejn G. 2004. Establishing the chronology of Rhodian amphora stamps. The next steps. In J. Eiring and J. Lund (eds), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, 117-121. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5). Athens.

Articles in series cited as in journals

Śliwa J. 1997. A forgotten scarab of Horemheb. SAAC 8, 29-31.


  • Please note that a full stop comes after the title.

Lamb H. H. and Tessier L. 1987. Weather, Climate and Human Affairs. London.

Books, monographs, conference proceedings published in series

  • Series in brackets.

Eiring J. and Lund J. (eds) 2004. Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5). Athens.

Finkielsztejn G. 2001. Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J. – C. environPremier bilan. (BAR-IS 990). Oxford.

Books published in excavation series

Nicolaou I. 2005. Paphos 5. The Stamped Amphora Handles from the House of Dionysos. Nicosia.

Chapters/sections of books published in excavation series

Börker Ch. 1998. Der Pergamon-Komplex. In Pergamenische Forschungen 11. Die hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon, 3-69. Berlin, New York.

Edited books

Fairbairn A. S. (ed.) 2000. Plants in Neolithic Britain and Beyond. Oxford.

Chapters/sections of books edited by one or more editors

Foster I. D. L. and Grew R. 1990. Magnitude and frequency of sediment transport in the Po valley. In J. Boardman (ed.), Soil Erosion of Agricultural Land, 36-56. New York.

Frayer D. W. 1997. Ofnet: evidence for a Mesolithic massacre. In D. L. Martin and D. W. Frayer (eds), Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past, 181-216. Amsterdam.

Chapters/sections of books when editors are unknown

Serre-Bachet F., Guiot J. and Tessier L. 1992a. La dendroclimatologie; pour une historie du climat. In Les veines du temps. Catalogue d'exposition, 93-119. Paris.

Publications in print

  • In references ‘forthcoming' is used, as in citations in the text; remaining parts of bibliographic address according to appropriate type of publication.

Papuci-Władyka E., forthcoming. Black gloss pottery from Koshary. In L. Kypraiou (ed.), 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery, Proceedings of Conference, Aigio 2005. Athens.

Encyclopaedic entries

Gaertringen H. von 1931. S.v. Rhodos. In RE Suppl. 5, 801-810.

Publications in scripts other than the Latin alphabet

Empereur J.-Y. 1990. Η χρονολόγηση των ροδιακών αμφορέων στην ελληνιστική περίοδο. In Β` Επιστημονική Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική κεραμεική. Χρονολογικά προβλήματα της Ελληνιστικής κεραμεικής. Πρακτικά. Ρόδος, 22-25 Μαρτίου 1989, 199-209, πιν. 111-112. Athens.

  • In cases when the author's name is originally written in script other than Latin alphabet, please give it in transliteration first, and then include the original version.

Pelekanides St. 1955. Πελεκανίδης Σ. Η έξω των τειχών παλαιοχριστιανική βασιλική των Φιλίππων. ArchEph, 114-179.

Rostovtsev M. I. 1925. Ростовцевъ М. И. Скифия и Боспоръ. Критическое обозрение памятниковъ литературныхъ и археологическихъ. Moscow.

In case of papers in languages other than English please conform to the rules of that language.

E.g. for Italian: Bibliografia instead of References, no ‘and' between multiple names, places of publication in Italian etc.).



  • Illustrations must not be placed in the text; please send figures as files (formats accepted: .jpg and .tiff); file names must include the name of the author of the paper and numbering (Smith.Fig.1, Smith.Fig.2 etc.).
  • Resolution: minimum 300 dpi; scanned photographic prints 600 dpi, scanned slides 1200 dpi.
  • Black and white illustrations should be in greyscale; a limited number of colour photos can be accepted.
  • Tables should be in MSWord, Times New Roman, font size 10.
  • All figures (photographs, drawings, maps, tables) should be referred to in the text as Fig. 1, Fig. 2. etc.
  • If a figure contains more than one element, please describe them as follows: Fig.1: 3, Fig.2: 7 (not a, b, or A, B etc.). In captions please use the system: Fig. 1. 1 – Totmes III from Deir El-Bahari, photo by the author; 2 – Totmes III from Thebes, after Petrie 1912, 77.
  • All captions must include the source of the illustration (without a full stop at the end of caption).


Fig. 1 – Hippopotamus hunt from the mastaba of Ti, Saqqara. Photo by the author

Figs. 2-4 – Figure of sitting boy found in votive deposit in Room 211. Drawing archives of the expedition

Fig. 3 – Falcon from temple of Mentuhotep-Sankhkare at Abydos. 11th Dynasty, c. 2005 BC. Reproduced from W. M. F. Petrie 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties II, Tab. XXV. London

  • Permission for the use of figures must adhere to EU legal regulations. If you are using a figure that has been published, you must provide a written, signed letter from that journal or press granting permission for the figure to be used. Credit must be granted to the original illustrator or photographer in the figure caption.